• Breezespring posted an update 1 year, 11 months ago

    Pfieffer and his fellow colleagues have Pfieffer and his colleagues tried Melvor Idle themselves and enjoyed it — enough to make a call Malcolm Malcolm to discuss the possibility of working together in early 2021.

    “From only our first interactions we realized that Brendan shares Jagex’s vision for games with a community focus, and has done a great job of creating a positive and vibrant group of players that revolves around Melvor Idle. It’s not often that you find the right combination when you’re looking for publishing opportunities however Brendan along with Melvor Idle were precisely that, and we were thrilled to be a part of his team and the game in full.

    He adds: “We like to say that If RuneScape can be described as the MMO that is enjoyable while watching television, Melvor is the idle game that you can enjoy during playing RuneScape. Melvor Idle incorporates the RuneScape’s basic gameplay mechanics and reduces the game into bite-sized chunks which can be enjoyed when time is short, so RuneScape players will feel familiar with Melvor.But beyond that , it’s an exceptional idle game. Additionally, its focus on letting players choose their own path through the game makes it make it stand out from the crowd of games that force players into just increasing a amount indefinitely.”

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